What to Expect Following Your Accident
The hours and days after an accident can be overwhelming. Many victims do not know what to expect following the accident. As an accident victim, you will face a number of serious questions that need to be answered and decisions that need to be made. The decisions you make following the accident can impact your ability to obtain maximum financial compensation.
A skilled attorney on your side can help you understand your best course of action after an accident and make sure that you avoid making mistakes that could hurt your chances of securing fair compensation.
At Ranken & Shnider, Attorneys at Law, our personal injury attorneys in Maui, Hawaii, know the challenges and complications victims of car accidents may face following the crash. If you were involved in an accident, reach out to our law firm to learn more about the claims process and prepare for what is to come in the following weeks and months.
Personal Injury Claims Process in Hawaii
The process of filing a personal injury claim following an accident varies from one state to another. Hawaii is one of the so-called “no-fault” states when it comes to automobile accidents, according to the state’s Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. Under the no-fault system, an injured victim must first pursue a personal injury claim through their own insurance provider, regardless of who was to blame for the crash.
The no-fault system in Ohio requires all drivers to purchase personal injury protection (PIP) coverage that would cover their medical bills and other losses up to policy limits. A driver can file a claim through the PIP coverage regardless of fault.
The vast majority of personal injury cases can be resolved by reaching a settlement with the insurance company. However, every case is different, and some cases may require litigation when no settlement is reached. If you need assistance with filing a personal injury claim or suing the at-fault party, get legal counsel. An attorney on your side will help you navigate the claims process and fight for your right to obtain fair and full compensation.
Vehicle Repairs After an Accident
Even if a car crash did not result in injuries, you might still have to deal with vehicle damage. Vehicle repair costs may amount to thousands of dollars, which is why it is essential to understand your options for compensation.
However, getting insurance coverage for vehicle repairs after an accident is no easy task. Getting your car fixed following an accident may become one of your biggest headaches. After the crash, you will need to have your vehicle evaluated by an auto body shop or mechanic to get the damages assessed. Then, you will need to work with your insurance company to determine if it will agree to cover the cost of repairs.
Medical Treatment Following Your Accident
When an automobile accident occurs, you and the passengers of your car may suffer injuries. While many accident victims choose to wait for days or even weeks to get medical care, others may choose not to seek medical attention altogether.
However, receiving medical treatment immediately after your accident can positively affect your recovery time and your ability to obtain maximum financial compensation. Getting medical care as soon as possible allows you to get proper documentation of your injuries, which can be critical to the success of your insurance claim. Failure to seek medical attention within a reasonable timeframe following the accident may result in the denial of your claim because the insurer may challenge the severity of your injuries.
Recovering Expenses
Being involved in an accident requires you to make a number of decisions that could impact the outcome of your legal case. The steps you take following your accident could affect your ability to get fair and full compensation for your damages and losses.
There is one thing that can directly affect your ability to receive compensation after an accident – whether you were at fault for the accident and, if so, what your degree of fault is. Hawaii adopted the doctrine of modified comparative negligence, which means your financial recovery can be diminished by the percentage of your fault. Under the law, accident victims are permitted to seek compensation as long as they are less than 51% at fault.
Disputes over liability and the degree of fault are not uncommon when recovering damages after an accident. That is why accident victims need to seek the assistance of a skilled attorney to help them obtain fair compensation and protect their rights when navigating the claims process.
Getting Help From Experienced
Personal Injury Attorneys
Figuring out what to expect after an accident can be tough, which is why you must get help from an experienced attorney. Our attorneys at Ranken & Shnider, Attorneys at Law, know the ins and outs of personal injury law in Hawaii. We are dedicated to working tirelessly on every case to help our clients receive the compensation they deserve. Get your case evaluation today by reaching out to our office in Maui, Hawaii.